The Revealing, Secret Diaries of a Not-So-Secret Foodie

Archive for August, 2012|Monthly archive page


In Food, food photography, Garden, Photos, Recipe, Writing on August 31, 2012 at 5:15 pm
Mini Thai Basil Turkey Lettuce Cups with Garnishes of Jasmine Rice, Poblano Pepper, Oyster Sauce & Chiffanade of Basil.

Mini Thai Basil Turkey Lettuce Cups with Garnishes of Jasmine Rice, Poblano Pepper, Oyster Sauce & Chiffonade of Basil.

Fifty-one cents. A small price to pay for an unexpected culinary challenge. Always the frugal gourmet, this foodie could not leave that lonely bottle of oyster sauce behind. Its red label marked clearance grabbed my attention. Reduced:51 cents. Never one to pass up a good deal, into the cart it went. Right next to the Cheerios, juice boxes and cage-free eggs.

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